Mama Milestones

Record a mama milestone you've reached for the first time, baby-album style...

We learn so much every day as mums: constantly adjusting and shifting in response to our children's latest developmental milestones. But too often we focus on our kids 'firsts' and miss our own. We forget that we are doing amazing new and valuable things every day.

So let's pause and notice some of the awesome, funny, sad and special things we've learnt, shared, seen or felt as mothers so far... Capture a Mama Milestone of your own in the style of a baby-album. It can be tiny or significant, silly or serious. Doodle or photograph it, and share it with us here.

Click on 'join in' above to add yours to our Mama Milestone gallery so that we can all celebrate with you... (and if you still see 'join us' above, it takes 2 minutes to register, and you'll be able to access all the activities).

We'd love you to join our next #somum Mamas' Retreat on twitter on Wednesday 18 May from 20.30 to 22.00 UK time to share our mama milestones!