Magic Mama Wand

A lot of the time as mamas, we're pulled in every direction, trying to do too much, unable to think clearly.

We don't have time to think about what we want.

We don't notice the incredible power we have to make a difference for our children.

Or the difference we can make for ourselves.

But sometimes magic happens.

Most often, for me, I see my own magic when I'm fully present with my children and focused entirely on a clear intention (instead of my phone...).

It might be finding just the right voice and actions to soothe them after an accident. Or taking the time to stay calm and help them finally relax and get to sleep. It might be inventing a creative way to divert an exploding tantrum, or making a special treat to surprise them with after school ...Or perhaps most magic of all, giving birth. In each of those moments, I knew exactly what I wanted, I put all my energy into that, and magic happened.

When you truly focus on something that you want, you give yourself impetus, and the clarity you need to take action. Magic Mama Wand-Making is an activity to remind mamas of their power - to help you focus on what you most want. So use your mama magic wand-making as magical creative time to focus on what really matters to you - whether that's finding greater resilience, patience, a tidier house, a more loving connection, or the ability to pursue something new. Give yourself the magical gift of time to focus on you and your desires.

Click on 'instructions' below for some ideas about how to make your wand. and join our community for more inspiration.


how to make a magic wand for mamas, with story of mum: supporting mothers to find their own power and magic, and trust their instincts

There are all sorts of ways to make a wand.

But the most important thing is to be clear about your intention as you make it.

So, first, take some time to think about your intention...

What do you want?

What do you really really want?

Is there a feeling or quality that you'd like to invite more of into your life?

More peace, or strength, or love, or health, or connection, or courage?

Focus on that feeling or desire as you start the process of making your wand.

The first step is to find yourself a fallen stick that you like the look of - keep an eye out as you walk, intention in mind, and see where your eyes are drawn.

Once you have a stick, make any adjustments you need to the size - you might want to break off any spare twiggy bits that get in the way.

But if you like the lichen, twiggy bits, or lumps and bumps, feel free to leave those as they are.

If you'd like a smooth wand, rub it with sandpaper until you get a texture that feels good in your hand. And again, you don't have to sand your wand down if you don't want to - trust your instincts.

All the time, mentally remind yourself of your intention.

Magic mamas: making wands with Story of Mum at our Mamas' Retreat: precious creative me-time for mothers

When your wand has been sanded down, you might like to rub some sweet-smelling essential oils into the wood.

Be careful when you use oils - they can be potent, and may need mixing with a base oil.

You can always choose to apply oils with cotton wool instead of your hands.

But there's something lovely about the feeling of rubbing the oils into the wood.

When we made wands at our last Mamas' Retreat, we used almond oil for our base, and mixed this with a choice of stronger-smelling essential oils. We used lavender for calmness and peaceful vitality, lemon for joy, abundance and clarity, and peppermint for focus and conscious intention. If you have a favourite oil, you could use that. Or you can simply use whatever oil you have to hand, sunflower oil can be good too.

Go with your instincts - what smells good to you as you think about what you want? 

Magic mamas: making wands with Story of Mum at our Mamas' Retreat: precious creative me-time for mothers

If you have time, you can leave the wand to dry for a day before going on to decorate it.

To decorate your wand - start by noticing what colours you are drawn to as you think about your intention.

Then, you could wrap embroidery thread in those colours around your wands - in blocks, stripes, or patterns. 

If you don't have embroidery thread, you could use ribbons or ordinary thread.

You might like to add precious stones, glueing these to the wands or wrapping them in wire to hold them in place. You could wrap metal wire around your wood, conducting your intention along the wand...

If you don't have precious stones to hand, you might want to use gemstones or sparkles. These are especially lovely on the tip of the wand (so that it sparkles in the light as you wave it!) Or you can weave beads on to your wire to add some extra beauty, or wrap some brightly coloured feathers into your thread. Browse through the images in this gallery to give you some more ideas.

Improvise. Tap into your instincts.

Remember that having a clear intention and spending this time spent thinking about what you want is the most important thing about making yourself a wand - even just doing that gives you magic power!

Magic mamas: making wands with Story of Mum at our Mamas' Retreat: precious creative me-time for mothers

You never know, you might manage to make your child tidy their room, or sleep, with one flick of your wand...

(and it's great fun to make one with the kids too, mine loved making theirs!)

But most of all, we hope that every time you see your wand, you'll be reminded of this time spent getting clear about what you want.

Of time for you, enjoying the creative flow of making something beautiful and precious.

Maybe when you hold your very own wand, you'll have that sense of possibility, magic and focus again. Use it as inspiration to take an action towards what you most want. Because you are magic, mama. And so much more powerful than you think.


We'd love you to share a photograph of your wand in this gallery to spread the magic. Click on 'join in' above to add your photo. If it still says 'join us' that simply means you need to register first - so click on 'join us', pop in your details, and you'll be able to return here and add your image. 

If you'd like to share the magic with some other mamas, you might also enjoy our private facebook group: Mamas' Everyday Retreat.